What kind of imagery could complement the 'the democratic library' research project? What would democratic imagery in relation to libraries look like? What would constitute democratic images? Accesibility, readability, being able to understand it, to see it? If we pressume they do exist, where are they encountered? In public space, the public domain? Online, printed media, on the street, on facades, within the libraries themselves? Are they highly designed, branded, hand made or hand written? What makes an image democratic, when could one speak of an democratic image or do democratic images simply don't exist? Below an attempt of collecting irl and online.
January 2023
November/December 2022
Leeszaal West Rotterdam, NL
Read/Write Library, Chicago, US
In different Public Libraries in Glasgow, UK
Screenshots Instagram
All pictures by Eva Olthof
May 2022
Glasgow Women's Library, Glasgow, UK